The Bolo Program is a breakthrough initiative leveraging social media, technology, and innovative engagement to encourage citizens like you to be on the lookout for Canada’s most wanted. It’s not the Police, it’s not Crime Stoppers. It’s the BOLO Program.

We work in close cooperation with police services to develop and deploy our amplification campaigns. But, we don’t collect tips; that’s not our job. Instead, we encourage you to submit your tips to the police or Crime Stoppers. Click on this link to find out more about BOLO.

Seniors Crime Stoppers

As of 2020 there are as many senior citizens in Ontario as there are youth. The dramatic growth of our senior’s population is unparalleled at any time in our history.

Increasingly, our seniors are victims of crime.  The partnership between seniors and Crime Stoppers provides the community with a pro-active program to assist the police in solving these crimes and contributes to an improved quality of life for the seniors in our community.

Elder Abuse is described as any action or inaction by any person who causes harm or threatens to cause harm to an older adult.  The source of abuse can be a family member, caregiver, staff member at a care facility or anyone upon whom the older person relies on for a their basic needs or services.

Abuse may take one or more forms:


  • Assault by kicking, shoving, hitting, pulling hair
  • Sexual assault
  • Forcible confinement
  • Withholding of physical necessities
  • Over or under medicating


  • Abandoning an older adult
  • Failing to provide health services of food 
  • The intentional or non-intentional failure to provide the necessities


  • Theft or misuse of money or property
  • Misuse of a Power of Attorney
  • Fraud, extortion or forgery


  • Treating the older adult like a child
  • Frightening, deliberate social isolation, insulting, threatening
  • Verbal abuse, humiliating and bullying

Victims of Elder Abuse may show signs of:

  • depression, fear, anxiety, passivity
  • unexplained physical injury (such as bruising)
  • lack of basic necessities like food, clothing and medicine
  • change in cleanliness or nutrition, loss of weight
  • failure to meet financial obligations
  • unusual banking withdrawals

Why is Elder Abuse Seldom Reported?  

  • Embarrassment, guilt and shame if the abuser is a family member
  • Fear of punishment or retaliation by the abuse as the victim is dependent on the abuse
  • Lack of awareness of community resources 

It’s everyone’s duty to keep these most vulnerable members of our community safe.  If you know of a senior show is being victimized and would like to help but wish to remain anonymous, click here to submit a tip.


Near North Crime Stoppers offers free presentations to seniors groups.  We would be happy to speak to your group or organization about the Crime Stoppers Program.  We will discuss frauds and scams that target seniors as well as abuse, neglect and personal safety issues.

If you would like more information about Crime Stoppers presentation, contact 705-497-5555 #507.  Please do not use this number to call in tip information.

Provision of Care

If you have a concern about the provision of care or other non-criminal matter, you are encouraged to contact the following:

  • Ministry of Health and Long Term Care 1-866-434-0144
  • Ontario Retirement Communities Association 1-800-361-7254

Ontario Senior’s Secretariat Information Line: 1-800-268-1142
or visit